


As for XX in China, the Chinese people have the most right to speak on the matter

In its most recent press briefing, China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs spoke on the inclusion of China in the 2011 International Religious Freedom Report. NBC wrote on it briefly here, but the full translation of Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei's statement on the matter (as posted on the MoFA website here) is below:

Hong Lei: The Chinese government protects the religious freedoms of its citizens according to the law. All of China’s many people have religious freedom, as specified in the law. As for the state of religion in China, the Chinese people have the most right to speak, and do not need the US to go off on the matter. The US should stop being prejudiced and respect reality, objectively and fairly seeing China’s policies on religion and the state of religious freedoms. The US should stop using the issue of religion to interfere in China’s internal affairs, and not act in such a way as to harm Sino-US mutual trust and cooperation.


I've noticed this phrase popping up a lot lately in contentious issues that other countries comment on: 


"As for XX in China, the Chinese people have the most right to speak on the matter"

An new addition to MoFA go-to statements? Time will tell.

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